
01 April 2011

Recipe of the Day - Beetroot Pesto

Rye Bread (with Sourdough)
For the Sourdough:
  • 1/5 cup (1/2 dl) ymer or other soured whole milk product (yogurt must be diluted with water)
  • 1 + 1/5 cup (1.5 dl) water
  • 1/5 cup (1/2 dl) coarse organic rye flour, freshly ground if possible
  • 1 + 1/5 cup (1.5 dl) standard organic rye flour, freshly ground if possible
  • 1/5 ounce (5 g) yeast
  • 2 tbsp. sea salt
1. Mix all ingredients and leave for 24 hours at room temperature or for five days in the refrigerator.
2. Sourdough will keep for one week in the refrigerator and can be frozen. If the sourdough doesn’t seem active enough, 1/5 to 2/5 ounce (510 g) of yeast may be added to the dough on day 1.
For the Rye Bread Dough:
  • 1 portion sourdough, approx. 1/2 quart (1/2 litre)
  • 1 quart (1 litre) water or dark beer
  • 1/2 tbsp. coarse salt (but not first time the sourdough is used)
  • approx. 2.5 lb (1.2 kg) organic rye flour (for grainy rye bread, use 50% cut rye grains)
  • 1 tbsp. butter in 1/5 cup (1/2 dl) warm water
Day 1: Mix sourdough with water, salt and 1 and 3/4 pounds (750 g) rye flour. Keep 1/2-quart (1/2-litre) dough 
for the next sourdough, sprinkle with 1/2 tbsp. salt and refrigerate. Put the rest of the rye bread dough in the refrigerator overnight.
Day 2: Mix the rest of the rye flour thoroughly into the dough. Put the dough in a 4.4-lb (2-litre) bread tin, filling it 2/3. Prove for a couple of hours until the dough reaches the top of the tin. Bake at 175°C/350°F for approximately two hours. A meat thermometer inserted in the middle should register at least 98°C/208°F. Brush the loaf with a butter/water mixture and cool on a cooling tray. It tastes best the following day. Rye bread keeps best in the refrigerator.



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